We feel like Steve Martin announcing the arrival of the new phonebook!

We had told you all about the fabulous Facebook event we participated in a few weeks back where more than 600 zombie fiction fans, writers, and artists got together on-line and held different kinds of giveaways of their art. The founder of the event and avowed zombie fanatic, Gary Munford, asked people to contribute their short stories, poems or other works related to the zombie apocalypse for inclusion in an e-book.  Well, that e-book is here, and the first 5 episodes of Zed’s World are included along with a host of other fantastic stories for your enjoyment. You can download the PDF version below for free; if you want .mobi or .epub (also free) let us know and we’ll hook you up (WordPress won’t let us attach those file types).  Here’s the catch: this is free for two weeks, and two weeks only. Once two weeks are up, the file will be pulled and replaced with a link to the e-book which will be available for sale for $4.99. ALL proceeds from the sale of the e-book will be donated to the Wounded Warrior Project so please consider buying the book or recommending it to friends if you miss the free deal.

UPDATE: The free deal is over and you can find the Tall Book Of Zombie Shorts on:


Amazon UK


Since we at Zedprep are just getting started in this indie publishing realm, it’s a huge honor to be included with some very established and very GOOD writers. (We’re not worthy, we’re not worthy…) We were originally going to submit a short story companion to the serial we publish here on Zedprep, but it quickly evolved into something that was going to be WAY too long for a short story. The good news is, we have material we can develop into a separate Zed’s World companion book, so we’re very excited about that and hope you will be too!

Special thanks to Brandy Havers for the initial invite to the Facebook event and to the many authors who I’ve met and are inspiring me to continue down this path. All the authors and artists who participated had a great time so another event is a surety; when it’s scheduled you’ll be hearing about it here and on our Facebook page (which you should totally like if you haven’t already!)

Thanks to everyone for reading our tale here on Zedprep and in advance for downloading the book. Be sure and let us know what you think!