Merry Deadmas & Zombie New Year!
‘Twas the night before Christmas and all through the hot zone Not a zombie was stirring; no rotted flesh nor broken bone. Our defenses were prepared with zombies in mind If the undead show up we won’t be kind. The dog was settled all snug on his bed With visions of Greenies dancing in […]
Book Review: Whiskey Tango Foxtrot: Escaping the Dead By W.J. Lundy
I found myself sitting in my garage after making a food run – rather than taking the food inside – because I wanted to finish the current chapter [in Audible format].
Advice From Bosnia
He had a neighbor who knew how to make kerosene who he said never went hungry; same with the guy who knew how to distill vodka.
Movie Review: World War Z

I finally got to the theater to see World War Z. I know, I’m late to the party and you’ve read a dozen other reviews by now, but I’m going to give you my thoughts anyway.
Book Review: Cure by Belinda Frisch
Frisch writes with the pace of a runaway train. She sets the story in motion and it steadily picks up speed to the point where I didn’t feel like I could read the pages fast enough.