Movie Review: World War Z

I finally got to the theater to see World War Z. I know, I’m late to the party and you’ve read a dozen other reviews by now, but I’m going to give you my thoughts anyway.

Zombie Burger: Restaurant Review

“Wait, what!?” I can hear you saying. “There’s a zombie themed burger joint? LET’S GO!” That was my reaction exactly, so we jumped in the car and 10 hours later we were in Des Moines, Iowa.

Great Guns!

Great Guns

If you step back from the standard self-defense paradigm, there are a multitude of things to consider when selecting the perfect z-poc tools for destruction of the undead.

Rule #1: Cardio


If Z-Poc were to hit tomorrow, could you strap on a 30 pound pack and go 10 miles non-stop while dodging the undead? If the answer is no, your prep plan needs to take that into account.

Ready, Prep, Go!

The prepping portion of this site is going to focus on preparing for the Zombie Apocalypse (Z-Poc). There are going to be many areas where prepping for Z-Poc will overlap with prepping for any other disaster.